Monday, September 24, 2007

Consumer Consequences: Our Impact Measured… by a Computer Game?

We are all here because we care about the earth and are like-minded in
making steps to reduce our impact and help preservation efforts around the

An article that recently came out on Greenbiz Wire News, introducing this
new game from American Public Media, which tells us what the “environmental
consequences” of our lifestyles are.

The idea for the game is to enlighten its users into redesigning their
current lifestyles to adopt one that is more eco-friendly and can be
classified as “Green.”

As you play the game, you get scored with “Earths” based on your answers.
You don’t want to see that Earth though; even one is one too many, and
however many you get represents just how unsustainable your lifestyle really

This game works as a two-way street. Consumers get to see how big their
impact is, and they can play again and make better choices and get a better
outcome on the game. Hopefully they’ll translate those changes to real

On the flip side, the information that the gamers create is used to
determine how sustainable our consumerism really is.

The end study will be one to watch for, surely; and in the meantime, you can
check out more on the game, and maybe even play it if you are brave enough
to see your results, by visiting

Check out the full article at

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